The lion personifies strength, power, courage. In ancient Egypt, it was considered a sacred animal. An interesting fact should be noted: before 500 AD, lions also lived in Europe, until they were exterminated. In the Middle Ages, many royal houses decorated their coats of arms with images of a lion, and now it is the national symbol of Belgium, Singapore, England, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ethiopia, Bulgaria and Albania.
- Lions have a so-called Jacobson’s organ located in the upper palate behind the front incisors. With it, they recognize various odors by breathing in air through their noses.
- These predators have the smallest heart muscle.

- At night, a lion sees six times better than a human.
- Lions are very hardy, they can go without water for months, being content with the moisture contained in their food.

- The main hunters in the pride are lionesses, but if they are full, they will not attack animals that are nearby.
- Claws and fangs in adult lions reach seven centimeters. For comparison, they have 30 teeth, and we have 32. Predators tear their prey into pieces and swallow it without chewing.

- Lions have a chic mane, which distinguishes them from other members of the cat family. Males with a dark mane are more likely to attract the attention of lionesses.
- In family life, lions are very affectionate and loving, they are the only felines that form social groups. Both males and females are polygamous. The male mates more than 600 times a week, during the rainy season this happens every 15 minutes.

- Newborn lion cubs weigh 1-2 kg. After a week, they open their eyes, and after two they begin to walk. They are born with brown spots on their skin, like those of leopards, which eventually disappear. Until the age of two, lions cannot roar.
- Also interesting is the fact that any nursing lioness from the pride can take care of the cubs of relatives.