Many parents often wonder if they should get a pet, especially if there is a baby nearby. Their main concern is the possibility of their little ones getting hurt by the sharp claws and teeth of cats and dogs.

However, it would not be wrong to say that the way children build relationships with their pets shows how they will relate to others when they grow up. It also helps children learn trust, empathy and compassion from a tender age. This was recently proved by the case when the little girl stroked her dog in the middle of the night.

The baby’s family had a golden retriever who recently gave birth to 8 cute little puppies. The parents set up a camera in the mom-dog’s room. The camera captured how the baby pets the mother dog out of love and kindness.
At that time, the dog fed her 8 puppies. The little girl stroked the dog as if she were trying to give courage to the mother dog. The dog also looked at the baby with love.
The little girl thought about going to her room for a while. However, she came back almost immediately and started stroking the dog again. She also kissed the dog on the forehead. Meanwhile, the puppy moved away from the others.

The kid also stroked the puppy. It also made the mother dog realize that the puppy was far away from the other puppies. So she gently pushed the puppy with her nose towards the other puppies.
The little one waited patiently as the mama dog lined up her lost puppy with the others. Finally, the dog mom let the tiny human get close to her puppies, proving how much she trusts the little one.