I remember when my husband and I were first dating, he said he lived alone with his sister and grandmother because his mother had been living abroad for 10 years.
Years after her father died, her mother went abroad to pay for her children’s education and raise her family.

We have been married for 4 years, all is well, mother-in-law always calls, always in touch with home, misses and is very attached to her children. However, one day she called and said she wanted us to meet someone, she was trying to prepare her son and daughter to have a man by her side. But she understood that the children would not accept her boyfriend.
My mother-in-law told us that she had a boyfriend who was a very good man, helped with everything and so on. But from that day on my husband did not speak to his mother. My husband didn’t accept it for a while, then I talked to him and said that his mother is a young woman, she has the right to arrange her life, and his father would be happy to see his mother happy.

One day my mother-in-law and this man came to visit us unexpectedly.
My husband didn’t want to communicate with them. But the man talked to him and explained everything, we understood that he was really a very good man, with good intentions, and my husband tried to understand his mom. Now everything is fine with us.