When you’re just starting out on the educational path, one of the first things you’re taught in school is how to write, and although not everyone does it as easily or quickly, calligraphy has its tricks and also an art where you work on your ability to have a beautiful letter, correctly formed and following different styles or sizes.

Although you may have found examples of people with impeccable handwriting on social media, probably that of Paktriki Malla, a 14-year-old student from Nepal, who shone and stood out with the impressive calligraphy that it can do, so much so that it can look like printed text. Several experts have analyzed his writing style and concluded that even the space between characters is completely symmetrical, as well as each letter.

Although it is less and less frequent to come across handwritten school notes, before it was more common than you think and it is due to the presence of technological tools that the practice of writing in pencil or on paper has lost its relevance. In order not to forget the excellent work of the girl, the government of her country decided to give her recognition. The photograph of a sheet of his notes has become famous on various social networks. In fact, several users commented that Microsoft Office should adapt its letter as the official source for its programs. One of the people also said that seeing this handwriting took him back to his childhood when he saw his father’s well-written works.

A statement from the Asian country assured that the girl’s signature is the finest in the entire nation, sparking interest in other parts of the world to really find someone who can match her or who can surpass this beautiful and perfect calligraphy. A few years ago, Pakriti Malla received the “Best Handwriting in the World” award after participating in a competition in 2017. Without a doubt, what this girl has achieved is worth sharing and becomes the source of inspiration for many children learning to write. write and who may be able to practice to such an extent that they reach the level of Pakriti.