Can you find the word ‘SPOT’ in 10 seconds?

Besides being a source of entertainment, solving puzzles and riddles has a number of benefits. Solving puzzles and brain games strengthens the connection between brain cells, which helps improve memory.

Logic games even train your brain to see different approaches to problems.

And last but not least, visual puzzles help to “train the eye muscles”.

So today we have a special task for you. Can you find the word “SPOT” among dozens of “STOP” words?

Non-Contact Tonometry
The tonometry test detects changes in eye pressure, usually well before you are aware there is a problem. It is considered an essential exam for detecting glaucoma.

Non-contact tonometry entails the application of air pressure to the eye using a tool that slightly flattens the cornea. It blows a brief puff of air into the cornea to measure its pressure.

The doctor puts numbing eye drops in your eyes, staining them with an orange dye, which helps the test accuracy. You will sit behind a machine that supports your chin and forehead and look straight ahead. Using a slip-lamp machine, the doctor will move the lamp toward your eye until the tip slightly touches your cornea to detect pressure.

Retinal Tomography
This diagnostic procedure is for precise observation and documentation of the optic nerve. It takes 3D photographs of the nerve and retina to check for “cupping,” a type of damage that affects the nerve. Retinal tomography helps diagnose and manage glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, macular degeneration, and detached retina.

The doctor will use some medication to dilate the eyes and look through a special microscope for a clear view of the blood vessels, retina, and optic nerve.

Ultrasound helps identify issues with the eyes like foreign substances, tumors, or retinal detachment. It also diagnoses eye diseases. An ultrasound test uses high-frequency sound waves to create details of the eye and eye orbit, the socket holding the eye into the skull. It provides more incredible details than a routine eye exam.

Doctors use anesthetic eye drops to numb the eyes and minimize discomfort. They will then use an A-scan ultrasound to measure the eyes and a B-scan to examine the back of the eyes.

Visual Acuity Testing
This eye-chart test is another exam that vision assistants conduct during routine visits to the eye doctor. It is the start to measuring whether any significant vision changes took place between doctor visits. It tests your ability to discern shapes and details of what you see as one factor of overall vision.

You will sit 20 feet away from a chart and identify a series of letters on the chart. The size of the letters gets smaller as you move down the chart.

Visual Field Test
Visual field test determines your field of vision for the area right in front of you without moving your eyes. It also checks peripheral vision, with the most common test performed with an auto-perimeter device. This uses a computer program to flash small lights. You will press a button when you see the lights.