This is the story of the success of the Madden family, who independently triumphed over all the obstacles and came together in the most challenging period of their lives.
Hunter and Hope Madden are a young couple who wanted to become parents, but something sad cut their dream in the middle. They could not have children and it would not be easy for them to have children.

They did not give up and tried all ways to make Hope pregnant. But Hope had low levels of progesterone and this made pregnancy difficult. She fought hard to complete a healthy pregnancy. But their journey was difficult.
She first miscarried twice and then became pregnant with Owen. But the baby’s heart had stopped and he could not be born. Then Hope became pregnant again with their daughter Evelyn. They were prepared for everything.
Her mother says that they thought the worst would happen. They already knew that their journey to becoming parents would never be easy. But they did not give up and followed the doctor’s advice and finally, their daughter was born healthy.
The new beginning for Madden family
This is one of the most beautiful stories of success and hope in the family. After a difficult birth and long hours in the hospital, they managed to hold in their hands the baby they had been eagerly waiting for. They are very good parents and devoted to their children.
After a long period of abortions, failures, fertility, etc., they managed to be blessed with a healthy child. Leilani Rogers, a successful photographer, captured these touching moments and shared them on the Internet as an example of hope and love in the family.
It shows that hope should never be lost. It also gives a message to everyone that the birth of a child is a new stage for both parents.
See also: They Already Have Two Children, And Now They’ve Made The Announcement

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