A teenage cashier showed an exemplary work ethic that moved a generous customer. To show his gratefulness for the teen’s exceptional service, the customer gave him a huge tip he did not expect but truly deserved.

Ryheem Lumpkins is a 16-year-old student at William Christian High School. Though his arms and hands are not fully developed, he works as a cashier at Pizza Ranch in Independence, Missouri.

Teen cashier shows his amazing customer service.

He only started the job a month ago but he has shown an exceptional work attitude. When there is no queue at the cashier register, he makes himself busy by sweeping floors and cleaning the buffet.

As an introvert, the teenager is always quiet but his new job taught him something new about himself. He now gets excited about seeing new people, chatting with them, and giving them quality service.

Teen cashier displays his exemplary customer service.

Lumpkins’ exemplary work ethic did not go unnoticed by one of their customers. He left a good impression on Robert Samay and made him do an act of kindness that shocked Lumpkins and warmed people’s hearts.

Last month, Samay gave Lumpkins a $5 tip to show his appreciation for the teen. “I appreciate your good smile, your good attitude,” Samay told Lumpkins. “We don’t get that nowadays, especially with young kids.”

Ryheem Lumpkins is a hard working employee with an exemplary work ethic.

Samay could not forget the smile on the teen’s face when he gave him a small tip. He was so impressed by Lumpkins’ attitude that he returned to the pizza place to make the teen even happier.

Samay pulled out a stack of $50 bills and his friend started counting the money. As she reached the total amount which is $2500, Lumpkins’s tears fell in an instant. He stood up and hugged Samay to thank him. 

Ryheem Lumpkins hugs customer who gave him a huge tip for his exemplary work ethic.

“To be honest, I was speechless,” Lumpkins said. “I never had anything in my life that happened to me like that before.” More than the money, it was the gesture that really touched the teen.

“That right there showed me that there are more people in the world that really care for me,” he added.

Lumpkins was very thankful for such an unexpected blessing. He is saving money for his first car and the generous tip he received will be a great addition to his savings.

Samay was very happy to help Lumpkins and show his appreciation for the teen’s hard work. “Money comes and goes but it’s very rare to find somebody like Ryheem,” he said.

Robert Samay is the generous customer who gave Lumpkins a huge tip for the teenager's customer service.


Lumpkin’s story quickly went viral and warmed the hearts of netizens. A lot of them were amazed by the teen’s exemplary work ethic and positive attitude.

“When a young person’s work behavior impresses me I always make a point of writing a physical letter to their company- a few minute’s time and effort can go a long way,” wrote Heather Smith, one of the commenters.

It also put a huge smile on many viewers and made their day. Some could not help but root for Lumpkins and wish him the best in life.

A netizen wrote, “Hope he’s able to go to college and earn a degree and do great things with his life. He has a very positive attitude and work ethic. Not common in a lot of people of any age these days.”

Ryheem Lumpkins is a teenage cashier with exemplary work ethic.

Though Lumpkins’ arms did not develop fully, he never saw it as a disability but a gift from God.” It doesn’t prevent me from anything. If I feel like I can do it, I can do it,” he said.

He also dreams of being a motivational speaker for children to encourage them to be happy with themselves.

Ryheem Lumpkins wants to inspire people to have the same exemplary work ethic despite any disability.

“Embrace what you have different from other people,” Lumpkins said. “Because a lot of people think it’s cool and a lot of people wouldn’t think it’s cool. The negative words, don’t let it get to your head. Because there is a lot of positivity in the world.”

Watch Lumpkins’ inspiring story in the video below: