Cats are supposed to be cute and fluffy and adorable. And Valkyrie, a 2-month-old Main Coon kitten is… in her own way. I guess…
If you think that a cat that looks like your Uncle John would be cute.
The internet is freaking out over the fact that Valkyrie has, what is described as, “a creepy human face.”

But seriously, this cat does look like a person and it’s disturbing. People started calling her out on her anthropomorphic look after her breeder posted a video of her on Instagram.
And she kind of looks like a sad old man.
I feel horrible saying this about a kitten but… I mean, look at that face. It looks like it’s been through some sh*t. Like a war or two divorces and a third marriage.

I think it’s the combination of the cat’s facial features that make her look like a male senior citizen.
Her eyes are most human to me.
The shape of her mouth looks concerned and watchful like she’s going to tell you to get off her lawn.

The shape of her face is also unusually round. Metro explains it best and says that it “looks like an old man has been superimposed onto her head.”ADVERTISEMENT
She also has this wiry salt and pepper-colored hair.
It kind of reminds you of those 2-inch long chin hairs you can’t help but stare at when you look at grandma.
All of this combined really makes you wonder if Valkyrie eats dinner at 4 p.m. and wakes up at 4 a.m.
Awww, poor Valkyrie!
She looks straight-up pissed in some of these pictures. Maybe her stern look comes from the fact that she’s Russian?

Look at that stoic expression! The poor little baby barely movies.
It honestly doesn’t even look like a cat if you zoom in on its face.
I’ve never seen anything like it and, honestly, I just feel bad for this cat.
The video above is the freakiest by far. The way the cat’s eyes move and look around looks SOOOOO human.
I… can’t… even.
Sorry if we just gave you nightmares.

The good news is that there are some photos where Valkyrie looks happy.
What’s even better news is that it appears that Valkyrie will have a forever home.
One post suggests that she is on reserve for someone named Natalie. We hope that Natalie will be able to turn her frown upside down and love her the way she deserves to be loved.