Since birds are flying animals, almost everything in them is designed for this complex activity: all internal and external organs, including the nervous system and sensory organs. For example, keen eyesight is a vital necessity for flying animals. This is one of the most important features of birds.

In proportion to the size of the animal, bird eyes are much larger than those of other vertebrates. Some birds are able to see different images with each eye. Other birds can make out very small objects and fine details from afar.

It is very important for birds to have good hearing, and they have it. Birds have ears. The organs of hearing, orientation in space and the ability to balance while moving are all connected with the ear.
Despite the fact that the beak of many birds is hard, ossified, many birds have a good sense of taste. But birds have almost no sense of smell.

Flight requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the metabolism in birds is very fast. The body temperature of birds is very high: between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius. Rapid pulse and high breathing rate. For example, the sparrow’s heart beats over 500 times per minute.