16-Year-Old Cat About To Be Put Down Asks Kind Woman To Save Him
When Lahmia Mareeal Marano got a text from her friend who works at a vet clinic, she opened it up to find a picture of a 16-year-old cat named Maxx…
Cat Reunites With Family After Getting Lost In Boston Airport For 3 Weeks
The crafty kitty, who got out of her carrier in an airplane’s cargo bay late last month, has been living it up inside the Boston International Airport for three weeks.…
Woman Is Surprised To Catch Her Foster Kitten Snuggling An Outdoor Cat
Megyn Scott-Hintz first met Garfield a few weeks ago at her local animal hospital. A Good Samaritan had dropped off the 5-week-old stray after finding him outside all alone. The…
Man Teaches ‘Aggressive’ Dog It’s OK To Have A Change Of Heart
In the end, all dogs want is to simply feel safe and loved. But sometimes, getting them there is no easy task. Just ask this dog behaviorist named Jay. Recently,…
Watch The Emotional Moment This Mama Sloth Is Reunited With Her Baby
This past May, a staff member from Jaguar Rescue Center in Costa Rica was on the beach checking out a report of an injured animal. He was getting ready to…
Shelter Dog Spots Girl Having An Anxiety Attack And Rushes To Help
Was the moment Picaso raced over to help a girl having an anxiety attack a case of being in the right place at the right time? Or was it straight-up…
Man Finds An Incredible Beetle Who’s Almost Too Stunning To Be Real
One day, while strolling the grounds of his property in Costa Rica, Michael Farmer spotted something he couldn’t quite believe. There, on the leaves of a guava tree, was what…
“Giant Anaconda” was found swallowing a Pig whole
The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world, when both weight and length are considered. It can reach a length of 30 feet (9 meters) and weigh up…
Tiger cubs record! 6 cubs of one tigress
We are not employees of Taigan Park.We DO NOT feed animals – we treat them. They are fed by employees of the Taigan Park.And yes, it is allowed to treat…
The dasypeltis snake swallowing a large egg
Egg-eating snake, any of the five species of the genus Dasypeltis of sub-Saharan Africa and Elachistodon westermanni of northeastern India. These nonvenomous snakes comprise the subfamily Dasypeltinae, family Colubridae.
The mouth is enormously distensible and the teeth are greatly reduced to accommodate a bird’s egg as large as a chicken’s. Egg-eating snakes are primarily arboreal, and they are oviparous…